
Joel Anderson

Supervisor at San Diego County
District 2

County of San Diego | District 2

Jennifer Pippard

Executive Director

Activities, Recreation & Care (ARC)

“When Activities, Recreation and Care (ARC) worked with Noah Homes, we depended on their years of experience. Due to our small infrastructure, they became both advisors and an extension of our team. You really don’t know what you don’t know, so that is where this relationship was really helpful. As a consultant, Noah Homes put on a team building session for our leadership, and conducted an intensive, organization-wide training over three days. This also included family members and representatives from our local Regional Center, who believed in the impact ARC could have in our community.

Time has passed since this training, but family members and our local Regional Center still recall the depth of information that was covered. It moved our staff into being more knowledgeable. To meet the industry standards, you need to be trained by an organization who is the industry standard and implements evidence-informed practices."

Helen Greenbergs, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

San Diego Mesa College

Helen Greenbergs, a San Diego-based psychology professor, has shared the Noah Homes experience with more than 100 students enrolled in her psychology classes. The students have walked away with a better understanding of the I/DD community and an awareness of careers rooted in empathetic caregiving. 

“In class, I can tell my students about the symptoms of, and treatments for, dementia; but taking them to Noah Homes to go through the Dementia and Disabilities Escape training brings it to life. This experience is unique in that the students get to feel some of the changes. It’s very impactful. It allows them to walk in the shoes of someone with an intellectual/developmental disability and dementia. It’s emotional because they better understand what life is like for patients and what caregivers and loved ones can do better.”

Even with the gravity of the subject matter, Helen adds, “You can’t help but leave Noah Homes feeling joyful. Residents and staff are welcoming and almost always joyful. They do it like no other place does.”

Todd Shetter

Chief Operating Officer

ActivCare Living

“When we jumped into the world of I/DD, Noah Homes brought to us those skills that we didn’t know we needed but, once we saw them in action, were critical. Now we’re believers that those additional 16 or 20 hours [of training] on a regular routine basis are critical to making those caregivers successful but also very confident in doing their jobs. That confidence gives a caregiver the ability to figure out a new situation because they have the tools now to recognize a change in condition, to recognize a change in behavior, and to recognize that a resident is uncomfortable, and they can’t express in words why they’re uncomfortable.

And that’s what we learned from the Noah team because they have done it day in and day out and learned a lot of soft skills or techniques that you are not going to pick up from a book, you’re not going to pick up from a website, you’re not going to pick up from a training video where you’re kind of looking at your phone and halfway paying attention. And so, it’s that hands-on training in person that really drives home that skillset that just becomes a part of who you are a caregiver.”